I know what you're thinking... Pinterest?!
Before you condemn us for browsing Pinterest, understand that there's a SLEW of man cave ideas and imagery located in the web based black hole known as Pinterest. If you're looking for ideas for your own shop or you just want to stir up a bit of jealousy, you'll accomplish both very well there.
Here's 10 of the BEST shops we found digging around. Prepare to get your feelings hurt.....
These are in no particular order and ALL worthy of major props.
1. Stained Concrete, Hot Rods and Old School Decor

Check out those floors!
2. Grungy Aesthetic with Modern Convenience

Such a cool way to mix a classic grungy feel with modern design.
3. Function over Form

My OCD LOVES the attention to organization and priority on functional work space in this shop.
4. Minimalism

The simple color palette and wall mounted tool storage make great use of this home garage.
5. Wood and Earth Tones

Another ultra organized shop with tons of counter top work space. The lighter colors make for great lighting.
6. Maximizing Space

A lot of the time, a home garage can limit available work space, but this one makes use of nearly every inch of wall space.
7. Custom Stands with Overhead Cabinets

Putting the larger tools/machines on custom stands with overhead cabinets really maximizes space in this layout.
8. A lot with VERY Little

I'm noticing a trend with motorcycle guys. These shops always KILL it when making a lot happen in very little space.
9. In-Ground Lift

An in ground lift and vaulted ceiling make this home garage much more versatile.
10. Old School

I can't help myself. Old school is the vibe I dig the most.
In no way are these the only ones worthy of mention, but this article would be hundreds of pages long if we shared every shop that caught our eye.
No matter your style, I'm sure you'll find plenty to drool over. Just beware, much like else where on the internet, Pinterest will eat hours of your day, empty your wallet and stir up jealousy. Don't say we didn't warn you.....